Creativity in a time of COVID-19 lockdown: Sam Neill and Helena Bonham Carter in Das Fone Hell

(image courtesy YouTube)

While there has been a great deal to hate about being stuck in the midst of a seemingly neverending pandemic, one cool thing to emerge is the way it has inspired some amazing creativity from a slew of authors, actors, musicians and others.

These are all people who found their work pretty much dry up overnight, meaning no ongoing work to keep them busy.

So, like all people with a creative bent, they found a way to make an awful situation better and the latest proof of just how inspired they have found themselves is Das Fone Hell, starring Sam Neill as a man who left his phone at home when he popped out for groceries (one of the few outings those of us in lockdown have been allowed) and Helena Bonham Carter as the wrong device who isn’t happy with being neglected, warning her chastened owner that an awful lot can happen in ten LONG minutes.

“The Kardashians could’ve had another baby. Ariana Grande could’ve dropped a single. Trump could’ve bombed Beijing for ratings…”

It is brilliantly scripted, superlatively acted and at two minutes, one of the best short films around at the moment … it is also the latest in a series of gloriously idiosyncratic efforts from the actor who is clearly finding social isolation inspiring indeed.

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